Sunday 17 October 2010

Joshua Radin

So tonight I'm going to see Joshua Radin!
I have mixed feelings about this, I'm really looking forward to it because I love him and I think he is going to be amazing, but my friend decided this morning that she couldn't afford to come with me even though I've been reminding her about it for months now. So I have to go by myself. What do people think about going to gigs alone? Is it weird? Or is it acceptable? I'm going to be optimistic!
I've decided to go pretty casual to this, it's probably going to be hot, and there's always the possibility of having drinks spilt on you, so thiiis is what i'm wearing!

Again, apologies for the awful picture quality and the fact that I am incredibly unphotogenic!! 

I've spent today trying to do work. I get distracted very easily and ended up doing this little doodle that I thought was quite pretty!

Sorry for the poor picture quality, it was blue-toothed from my phone to my Mac!
So this is my first ever blogpost!
To be honest, I don't really know why I've decided to start a blog. I like reading other peoples so I thought, why not?! But I'm not really a creative person, so I doubt there will really be any of my own things on here.
So I guess I should tell you a bit about myself right?
I'm Chloe.
I'm 19, will be 20 in 23 days!
I'm currently studying Forensic Chemistry at university in Manchester.
I like tea and cake a bit too much.
I like to think I'm into fashion, so I'll probably be doing outfit posts once I get a camera for my birthday! For now you'll have to put up with MacBook shots!
I'm not particularly interesting and I'm not actually expecting anyone to read this blog, especially as I'm new to this so it's probably not pretty to look at right now!!
Thats all I can think of for now...
Oh yeah, this is me! :)